Friday, 19 June 2009

"What Makes Us Humans Unique" by Dr. Dov Michaeli

Disclaimer: This entry does not belong to me. Not a single word other than the disclaimer part. I do not own any of the rest. It's rightful owner is Dr. Dov Michaeli who posted it on Medscape, and to Dr. Ajith Varki whose work is being talked about, and I happened to receive this amazing piece and wanted to share it with people who haven't signed into Medscape yet.

What makes the human superior to the ox? So mused King Solomon, the wisest man in the 10th century BCE. Since then, this question has occupied the best minds of the human race, from Plato in the fifth century BC to modern-age molecular biologists, neurobiologists, neuropsychologists, and philosophers. Is it intelligence? Communication? Empathy? It is now evident that all these "human" traits started evolving millions of years before the first human descended from the trees to take his first tentative steps in the African savannah.

Now, Dr. Ajit Varki, a University of California, San Diego, glycobiologist, is trying to uncover the mystery of human uniqueness.[1] Glycobiology is the study of sugars, and especially oligo- and polysaccharides, in biology.

In humans the most common polysaccharide that coats the cell surface is a type of sialic acid called N-acetyl neuraminic acid. But Dr Varki discovered that we are the only animal that has this molecule exclusively. All other animals have a different sialic acid on their cell surface, called N-glycolyl neuraminic acid [Figure].

Figure. The difference between Neu5Ac and Neu5Gc: 1 oxygen atom (in green).

Dr. Varki found that a mutation in an enzyme that inserts an oxygen atom into N-acetyl neuraminic acid to make N-glycolyl neuraminic acid underwent a mutation in one of our prehuman forebears rendering it inactive, and that's how we humans ended up with N-acetyl neuraminic acid.[2]

Why did this mutation survive?

Dr. Varki offers a tantalizing clue. Plasmodium reichenowi,a malaria parasite that afflicts apes and monkeys, attaches itself to the cell surface by binding to N-glycolyl neuraminic acid, which humans don't have. So a single mutation allowed us to escape from at least 1 devastating disease, and maybe more. This is an enormous selective advantage.
So there you have it: one tiny difference in a single molecule, and what momentous consequences it has wrought.

I am Dr. Dov Michaeli of


  1. Lieberman B. Human evolution: details of being human. Nature. 2008;454:21-23. Abstract

  2. Chou HH, Takematsu H, Diaz S, et al. A mutation in human CMP-sialic acid hydroxylase occurred after the Homo-Pan divergence. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1998;95:11751-11756. Abstract

By Medscape:

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Sunday, 14 June 2009

Did You Know: Pandemic Phases of Influenza

This is taken off of the WHO site, there's a link at the end of the post for a full detail.
This blog post has only the meaning of each phase.

Phase 1: No animal virus that could cause influenza among humans

Phase 2: Virus circulating among wild and domesticated animals. Known to infect humans and possible pandemic threat.

Phase 3: An animal or human-animal influenza that has caused sporadic cases. No human to human transmission.

Phase 4: Human to human transmission of the virus that can cause a community level outbreak

Phase 5: Community level outbreaks in two countries and one WHO region.

Phase 6: Phase 5 + community level outbreak in one other country of another WHO region

Post Peak Period: Level of pandemic influenza has dropped below peak levels, when under surveillance

Post Pandemic Period: Level of influenza has returned to that of the peak of seasonal influenza in most countries when under surveillance

H1N1 influenza has reached phase 6 pandemic.
